In this episode I cover the dichotomy of control as found in chapter one of the Enchiridion. I also cover the Stoic practice called "suspension of judgment."
I would like to mention that, although I hold that a dichotomy is the best way to look at what we control, not everyone agrees. If you have read William Irvine's excellent book on modern Stoicism, A Guide to the Good Life, you will have come across the idea of a trichotomy. Massimo Pigliucci recently discussed this concept on his blog. I disagree that the third category is useful, but both men are better philosophers than I so check out the article to see what they're thinking.
SInce the latest episodes have been built around core mental practices that require a full rewiring of our thought processes, I'm stating right now that the next episode will involve a simpler exercise.
As always, thank you for your support!