This is Freyja, my daughter and favorite baby.
On August 20th, unexpectedly and early, my girl Freyja decided to arrive. At a smidge over 4 pounds, she spent time in intensive care while Christy and I lived at the hospital, and later traveled back and forth from our apartment. I also began a new job days after the birth. So now she's home and we're establishing a loose routine. That said, I've had to adjust my schedule a bit. I'm just now relearning how to incorporate writing back into my schedule. Which is good, because I have a lot to write about.
I don't think one needs to have a baby to understand the amount of time a person has to devote to a child. Babies are unsurprisingly needy. Right now, Frey believes that the only place worth sleeping is on someone's chest. It's adorable and exhausting. But hey, I get to browse Aurelius' Meditations and/or find out what's happening on Twitter at two in the morning, so that's something.
As I get back into writing, I'll have more specific things to share about Stoicism as practiced in my new life. I can tell you that the Stoic mindset pairs wonderfully with parenting and I have nearly a decade of not-yet-stoic child care worker experience to compare it to. Newborns consistently present us with reasons to focus on what is in our control, versus what is not. It's great practice.
Anyway, thank you for checking in on Immoderate Stoic. I am going to hold myself to posting at least one article every week for the next month. I'm telling you so that I feel accountable! So see you later, at least by the next Stoic Saturday.