Terrorism is a Tactic

We actually have all the power here, and there's one thing we can do to render terrorism ineffective: Refuse to be terrorized.
-Bruce Schneier

Stoicism has a lot to say about tragedies like the recent one in Boston. However, I believe the security expert Bruce Schneier says a lot very well, and in a way that speaks to more people than just the Stoic practitioner. So here is his Atlantic article.

Terrorism is a tactic. It is an attempt to shake the minds of those who survive and who observe. Terrorism happens, not in a bomb blast, but in every moment afterwards. It is perpetuated through every newsreel replay that stokes our fear and the worst parts of ourselves.

I was so pleased to see how many people intentionally focused on human kindness today. ​They gave witness as people helped one another, as thousands of  people served one another. Their positive focus is not a denial of how the world works. It's a wide lens view that recognizes the outcome of our innate need for one another; that there are so many caring people in the world.

​Thanks to my lovely wife, for reminding me of this quote.

​Thanks to my lovely wife, for reminding me of this quote.