This coming Monday most everything I own will be packed up and shipped 1000 miles North. My time has been consumed by preparations. As a writer, I sort of hoped that at least one potentially stressful situation would arise that required a blog post, but it hasn't happened yet. This is, of course, a good thing because I have kept my Stoic cool pretty consistently throughout the past weeks, but the odd thing about life philosophy writing is that succeeding at philosophical practice doesn't make for an interesting read! No worries, I'm certain to stub a toe, break a favorite item, or sit in traffic long enough to find something to confess in the coming weeks.
I would like to wholeheartedly suggest that you watch Stoicism Today's recent video John Sellers: Stoicism and Emotions. The subject of 'emotions' is a huge stumbling block for modern people reading ancient Stoic texts. As John Sellers points out, many of the world's objections to Stoicism are based in misunderstanding what Stoicism actually proposes. It's all well and good if people disagree with us Stoics, but it's better if the disagreement is based on accurate information. And honestly, I read as many misinformed statements about Stoicism and emotions from practicing Stoics as a do from others. All this to say, I recommend you watch the video.